Gentle Spring Meditation

I bring to you today a meditation for the beautiful month of April (you can listen below):
As you prepare for this meditation, please do just that. Prepare. Take time, get outside of the chaos around you work your day to day life. This is only a precious moment of time that can rejuvenate our souls lift our spirits and allow us to prepare for the coming months. April is a time to get ready for Summer.
Spring rain falling until the ground is saturated. Just stop for a moment. Soak it in. The spring rains bring a moist softness to the world. It creates a place of mossy green and hidden sprouts. And when the rains cease, the fog lifts all the sun comes out and the colors of summer erupt. The choices we make today matter. We choose our direction. How do you want to feel next week, next month? How do you want to feel when the summer comes?
See it in your mind for a moment, because whatever your goals -- freedom from stress, depression or anxiety, weight loss, improve physical and mental health -- this is something we all want. Spring represents opportunities to make positive, long lasting changes. As much as spring is a time of renewal and rebirth in the natural world, it is also a time of renewal and rebirth in our inner world.
So say it out loud, "I can and I will." Today, I would like to give some helpful thoughts to bring rejuvenation which accompanies Spring. Let's bring it into your life. Just like spring rain rehydrates the earth we prepare today for your Summer and for your success as you move on your journey.
Let us start with color. Eat the rainbow, how joyful it sounds and how delicious it is. Spring greets us with an array of bright beautiful vibrant colors and houseplants trees, flowers and colorful vibrant vegetables and produce so load up your plate your bowl your glass with fresh plants with the spring bloom, fresh herbs in produce. They are available at the market your grocery stores and local produce may be available at the farm stand scenario -something we all need to support.
Now all these colors, not only do they light up a rainy day, but bring a wealth of supported nutrients into the body. Eating a rainbow of color is a key to optimal wellness. Since each color family has unique phytonutrients and that supports a healthy immune system and it supports and promotes glowing glowing skin. I say get outside. Take a walk. Soak it in feel the air touch your skin, feel the weather, warming seasons feel the change.
It is spring it is time to start moving around to get outside to move your body. Find opportunities. Perhaps you can do more errands on foot or park in a more central location. Walk around the shops. Walk around your yard, down the street around the block. And if you can't find time for a big walk, take many small ones. A half a mile here and there. A couple hundred yards will stimulate your body, it will stimulate your mind, it will prepare you for Summer, and walking. It stimulates your your metabolism and revs it up so you can begin to feel the slimming effects, the positive effects of movement of a Spring, I say step into it. Don't even be afraid to walk in the rain. Do it together.
Now that the frigid temperatures of dark afternoons are gone, it's time to get out of that rut. Socialize again. Socializing is a key to weight loss. Get the power of the community behind you. Share what you know, own it. Then join forces with other like minded individuals. All seeking wellness together.
Talk recipes. Talk about being your best self. Talk about socializing without eating unhealthy foods. Walk together, work together and when you need it, get help together. Find a friend, an expert to coach you towards your health and your wellness goals. And don't be afraid to take time to do the things that create change. Do your homework preparation. Preparation for Summer offers many opportunities for wellness but with preparation time passes quickly. Believe in yourself and your goals. Plan ahead and act now.
Here are a few thoughts on preparation planning. Some things you can do right now, so you don't miss the opportunity later. Map out your meals before or after dinner. Set up walks with your your spouse or partner, friend or neighbor. Catch up on the day's events with a stroll around the park the lake, your neighborhood, put social strolling sessions on your calendar. Now, take time to plan trips to the local farmers markets. Identify days, times and locations. Build a reminder into your schedule. Invite your friends do it together. Remember, local and fresh food tastes better and supports the community in which you live.
Be a weekend warrior seek out activities you can you can take a hike go on a bike, go out by kayak, swim. Schedule your Saturday and Sunday outdoor fun days. It will help you keep fit, give you something to look forward to. Take time clean the house spring cleaning. Clean out that kitchen cupboard, the pantry, get rid of the foods you don't need. Breathe in fresh spices, check check expiration dates. Empty the refrigerator and the freezer. Literally purge, get rid of that which you do not need. It's time to rejuvenate, restore, to take what you need, and turn it into wellness, fitness, health.
Just anticipate the Summer storms be a part of planning ahead. Keeping an eye keeping an eye on this summer, the storms. Carry an umbrella and have alternate plans. Make a list of rainy day options. Talk about these options with your social network. There are things you can do together. And when we plan ahead we make the proper choices. And right now choose how you want to feel. Allow yourself to imagine the life you want to live and create the life you want to live.
See it, say it, feel it and know it. Most importantly, believe it, plan for it. All along this journey we call it Life, there are great moments, difficult moments, celebratory moments. Think about being better, and be better. Plan today and you sow the seeds for a better tomorrow.
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